Welcome to AdvantagedED, LLC!
Empower Today, Excel Tomorrow


1:1 private MATH tutoring for students in grades 3-6 near Greensboro, NC
+ Virtual group tutoring for students pursuing excellence
+Academic Coaching                     +End-of-Grade Test Prep



Book a FREE Consultation Today

Is your child absolutely
 loving math?

If so, let's deepen that love!
If not, let's solve that problem!  

Your child is amazing, but math can be a beast if it isn't tamed before 7th grade. Let's partner up so they never experience the pain of the math wall. 

Download Our FREE Guide - Math Reset: 3 Steps for Success

Discover the steps to going from struggling in math or being average to earning A's & B's! 

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3 Weeks to Multiplication Mastery Boot Camp

Think  of multiplication as the building blocks of math; without a firm grasp on it, constructing more complex mathematical concepts becomes a challenge. When children solidify their understanding of multiplication, they pave the way for success in advanced topics like algebra and fractions. 

Our Multiplication Boot Camp goes beyond just teaching multiplication facts; it's about nurturing a genuine understanding and passion for math.

Don't let your child skip this vital step towards achieving math excellence!




If any of the following questions resonate with you, you are in the right place!

  • Is your child a frustrated "almost" student (ALMOST on the A Honor Roll, ALMOST on the National Honor Society, ALMOST gifted...) and could thrive with more practice, support, and attention?
  • Is your child good at following procedures but lacks fluidity and flexibility with numbers? Do they have trouble explaining their thinking?
  • Did your child score a Level 3 on the EOG Math assessment?
  • Is your child a solid C student, but wants to do better?
  • Does your child shut down and give up when they get frustrated?
  • Does your child need math taught in a relaxed, judgement free, and supportive environment?
  • Does your child need a big boost in confidence to excel at math?
  • Are you worried your child will not be prepared for Algebra and beyond?
  • Are you a homeschool parent looking for supplemental math support for your child?
  • Has your child gone through a tough year of bullying, long term substitutes, and/or students with severe behavior issues constantly disrupting class?
  • Do you have an academically gifted child that is underperforming?


At the core of what we do is a simple belief: every student has got that spark, waiting to be ignited. Tutoring with us isn't just about hitting those top grades (though that's a bonus!). It's about the whole journey – finding out what makes you tick, taking on those tricky subjects head-on, and building some serious confidence along the way. We're here to guide, but also to laugh, learn, and grow with you. Because let's face it, learning's much more fun when it feels like a chat with a friend who's got your back. And trust us, we're all about making sure you not only ace your tests but also enjoy the ride.

Get Started

I hated math! HATED IT! 

Eighth grade Algebra I - where my breezy academic journey took a bit of a detour. Up until that point, I had been sailing smoothly. But when Algebra I (and let's not even talk about chemistry) made its debut, it felt like a plot twist in my educational narrative. Math suddenly became this monster under the bed, making me question my own abilities. Was I really not as smart as I thought?

Thankfully, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of my biology and chemistry teachers, Ms. Cooper and Ms. Waddell, who firmly believed in my potential and gently reminded me that I was indeed "capable" of doing hard things. (Thank goodness for these two teachers! They were my angels.) Over time, as I ventured into teaching, the fog of math anxiety lifted. Not only did I conquer my fears, but I also fell head over heels for math--at least through middle school (let's not get crazy)!

This transformation underscores the power of building a solid foundation. To truly grasp Algebra I and beyond, students need a robust understanding of preliminary concepts. It's not just about getting the right answers, but about fostering the confidence to tackle more complex mathematical challenges.

Read My Story

"Ms. Avery LOVES her "babies", and they adore her. The connection she makes with students, her unwavering belief in each of them, and her high expectations, result in a special kind of magic that has the power to change lives."

- Dawn M.

Why AdvantagedED Stands Out:

Year-Long Classes 

Looking for year-long, online  math courses for grades 3-5? We have you covered! These classes are PERFECT for homeschool families and students that could benefit from a double dose of math to boost their confidence in class. 

Click the button below to find out more!

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Choose Private 1:1 or Group Sessions

Boost your child's  confidence, enhance their  understanding, and achieve tangible progress faster than ever before!

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Study Skills  Course

Unlock Your Child's Academic Potential: A Study Skills Course for Parents


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Multiplication Mastery Course

3 Weeks to Multiplication Mastery Boot Camp 


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10 Essential Questions Every Parent Must Ask: Achieve Breakthrough Results in Your Next Teacher Meeting


Education Topics That Matter

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Why Math is Essential to Your Child's Future Success

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Check out our NEW private Facebook Group for tips, resources, and news you can use to help your child succeed! 

Sign up to receive an invitation to the group and download our Math Reset: 3 Steps to Success guide. Help your child earn As and Bs in math!